5 simple ideas for Random Acts of Kindness Day

We could always use more kindness in the world. February 17th is Random Acts of Kindness Day and here are 5 simple ideas your can do to participate:



Share kind words

Whether you compliment someone in person or leave words of encouragement on a sticky note for your co-worker or friend your words can make someone smile. Want to be a little more heart felt? Send an email or message to someone about how much you admire and respect them. 


Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema



Be like Joey from “Friends”…Kind of


Ask someone how they are doing today. Many times we are greeted on the phone or in a store with a “hello” and “what can I help you with.” By asking how they are doing you are acknowledging you see them as a person rather than just a worker. Plus, it’s a great conversation starter. 


Pay it forward


Whether you pay for the person behind you in the Starbuck line or you purchase a scratch off ticket and hand it to the cash register worker you can pay it forward with little money spent. 

Other small purchases you can do:

  • Buy a gas card and leave it at the gas pump

  • Purchase a small flower arrangement or balloon and gift it to a worker

  •  Grab an extra coffee and offer it to a co-worker



Photo credit: Sarah Brown



There are many places that accept a variety of donations from money to time. Consider buying an extra bag of dog food and donating it to a shelter. Perhaps you would rather donate some time in the local soup kitchen. The options are endless. 


Let others be kind

It’s fun to shed kindness onto others and in order to share kindness we also have to be open to accepting it. Allow others to share a random act of kindness with you so they too can participate in the fun. 


There are so many wonderful ideas out there to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day. Take the pledge to participate in Random Acts of Kindness through the Giraffe Effect here. I hope you always choose to Be Determined, Be Focused and BE KIND.